「梦想照亮未来,翅膀带我飞翔」(“Dreams illuminate the future, wings take me flying”) – a quote that reflects her optimism and enthusiasm towards her dreams.
「我不是鸟,但我有翅膀」(“I’m not a bird, but I have wings”) – a quote that symbolizes her desire for freedom and her determination to soar high.
「我的歌声是温柔的雨,滋润你的心」(“My singing voice is gentle rain, nourishing your heart”) – a quote that highlights her passion for singing and her desire to touch people’s hearts.
「我要创造一个绽放的世界,带给你绽放的笑容」(“I want to create a blooming world, bringing you a blooming smile”) – a quote that reflects her vibrant personality and her desire to spread joy and happiness.
「我的梦想没有边界,我的翅膀会带我飞越」(“My dreams have no boundaries, my wings will take me flying”) – a quote that showcases her confidence and determination to pursue her dreams.